About us

We are In Hee Cho, Carmen Gosen and Loreen Schulte and for the ones who don’t know us yet, we want to give here a small impression about us.

All three of us were born around the 1990s and have enjoyed a loving and protected upbringing in our families. We grew up in Germany and South Korea. Parts of the world where safety as well as enough food and education are always available. We know however, that these basic needs are not yet available for everyone in the world. And exactly because of this, the three of us have developed an interest to help ensuring enough food, a basic education and a safe place to live for children in regions where this help is really needed. So we want to actively support these children wherever any support is needed and wherever we can give them some better opportunities.

Our main focus is supporting and organizing good education and providing a shelter for children who don’t have a home. Children without parents or family as well as children who have been effected by the war or terror, all deserve protection and a space to be raised with love and care.

We are doing our best to make that wish come true and will keep you always up to date about our activities!